Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Adventurer

Where to begin?  For those of you who don’t know me…a little intro.  My name is Addie, a 25 year old, previously employed as a Design Coordinator/Production Coordinator.  I recently graduated with my BA in Art Studio.  What does that mean…well in simple terms I enjoy art and was already deep in the program to switch into PR. Lol. I’m the type of person that is easily adaptable to any situation.  I love and thrive in such environments.  I excel when I’m challenged, tested, and pushed to the limit.  Least to say I crave adventure.

I’m sure my friends and family have wondered why, why now, why across the world, why for so long with no set return ticket home and probably high at the list is how are you even affording all this!?  I’ve always dreamed of traveling the world, but to do such traveling, it does cost ALOT of money.   I guess with the help of my savings, remaining school loans, tax return, and most importantly God’s faithful provisions, I am able to do this. 

How many chances do you get, to have the opportunity to travel somewhere amazing!?  Not many, so I jumped at the chance.  Many think that what I’m doing is irresponsible and reckless, to quit my job when the economy and job market is terrible and to travel to some place with ZERO job offers, plus I barely know a soul.   Yes to some degree I do agree.  I’ve always been the responsible person…do well in school, get a job, pay my own bills, be a good person and live my life as a “normal and responsible” 25 year old.  Well…I’m tired of that part of me. I think to myself I am young, single, no children, and finally finished college.   Yes it was a long road to finish school but I got here.  I think its time to move onto the next journey in my life.  I want to explore the other half of me…the adventurer.  So while the other half is concerned about the responsible side of me, the other half is excited that I’m going to be doing this.  They’ve even asked, can I come too!?  My reply, SURE!...I always say the more the merrier.  They know that I love meeting new people, seeing new places, experiencing new things, and absorbing different cultures.

So here I am about to embark this adventure around the world.  Many of us have wondered and day dreamed to pack everything up, leave all our worldly possessions behind and travel somewhere to start all over.  It may be because of the job, the family, the stress of everything around you or simply just because you feel like it.   You may have thought to travel to another city, another state, and perhaps even another country.  In this case I’ve chosen to go the daring route and travel to other countries…AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND ☺  (And these are just a few of the countries on my list to travel).  And its easy to make excuses to do things we’d like to do such as, it’s not the right time, I don’t have the money, I have too much going on, etc., etc.  What ever reason it is, it’s easy to let our passions and dreams be set aside because the real world has idealizations of what we all should be doing in our lives.  But I challenge you to set your eye on the prize, your dream, your goal; whatever how big or small and just make it happen.  Don’t let anything stop you!  I’m an optimist (if you couldn’t already tell), so if you want something bad enough you’ll make it happen.  I also urge you when presented with a situation, to ask yourself “why not?” and if you don’t have one good reason not to, DO IT! 

I don’t know where this road will lead me and I don’t know what I’ll find.  Perhaps I’ll find new friends, amazing secret spots, an unbelievable surf sesh or that one perfect wave, lots of craziness and maybe even love.  Nothing is certain, how long I’ll be here or where I’ll be headed.  All this is done intentionally of course because I’d like this road to lead me where it may. If anything is certain, I will find one of the biggest adventures of my life.  I have hope and faith that whatever happens, whomever I come across it will be for a reason. It will be God’s will.

Lastly, I leave you with this.  Sometimes you have to dream big to win big!  And as surfer lingo goes…Go Big or Go Home!

I hope you’ll follow me along on this journey, live vicariously through me, and perhaps I hope to inspire you to do what you want, what you crave.


  1. Wow!!! The first narritive i have ever heard from you... Addies narritive...haha!!... well let the adventure begin.... and may the many waves wash you onto even better experiences... i leave you with this awesome quote and may you be safe while your traveling... im always praying for you and "OH!!! See ya soon...

    Later gator..

    “I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate.”

  2. That's deep're carrying out one of my dreams. Hopefully one day when my responsibilities for being a parent has reached the point where my offsprings can find their own way around....I too will see the world! lol Have a blast and be safe!

  3. Addie,

    I am so glad you are getting to have this adventure at this point in your life. I understand your rationale completely.
    How can I see pictures of your trip? I am enjoying your blogs along with some others here at SCECON, praying that this trip is even more than you hoped it would be!!
