Thursday, August 12, 2010

Exploring the City

After arriving I seemed fine, no terrible jet lag, just overwhelmed that I'm in AUSTRALIA!!!  I wanted to explore the city a bit but decided to relax for awhile after my long journey.  I decided to take a little nap after settling in and that turned out to be a long cat nap.  I passed out at 4ish and didn't wake up til 11:30pm...glorious nap I tell you. lol.  Passed out for the rest of the night...or tried to.  The loud trash cans that come in the wee hours of the morning, the person sleeping below me snoring obnoxiously, and the crazy birds are a few of the things that kept me from sleeping the rest of the evening.  Besides all the little things..the Blue Parrot Hostel is pretty chill.  It's like a college dorm...bunks beds, shared bathrooms, an entertainment room, a community kitchen and fridges.  Already had a culprit drink some of my coke...clearly its not yours, DON'T drink it!  You'd think these people would know better but my expectations I guess are too high.  People should know that there's 2 things you never mess with...their mom's and their food.  And those of you who know me...FOOD is def not something you mess with that's mine. lol.

DAY 2 - One of the first people I met turned out to be Bostonian...apparently she has found few Americans traveling in OZ and found it comforting to have met me.  The weather was cool and raining...I wanted to turn in the towel, but alas I wanted to get out and explore Sydney.  So the Bostonian and I braved the weather and headed to the New South Wales Art Museum.  But before the museum, we made a pit stop at this small intimate coffee cafe called Toby's Cafe.  I'm not a coffee feen like so many other people I know, but the art they create with the cream would be worth a cup.  They definitely don't make coffee like this in Starbucks.  The Aussies really know how it's done.  Back to the art museum visit.  It was pretty was free and very welcoming...they took our umbrella and jackets as courtesy.  During our guided tour, we met another American, this time from Cali.  Our guide was a bit boring and I know this for a fact because we later joined another group because the tour guide was that intriguing.  I got to thinking that I could do tours for a few hours a week.  hmmm...Addie as a tour guide?  Well we left the museum after a few hours and decided we'd walk to a cathedral nearby.  WOW!  That building was unbelievable.  We thought the outside was gorgeous but inside was even better.  It's too bad they didn't allow photography inside because it was definitely a scene I would liked to have a picture.  The grandeur feel of the tall ceiling and columns, rows of pews and the colorful stained glass was unlike the catholic cathedrals back home...every inch with such intricate detail.  They even had this beautiful crypt...yes I know, crypt doesn't give the connotation of beautiful, but it was.  Its too bad it wasn't one of the scary crypts I was thinking because they were giving free tours.  darn!  Well we headed back after the church because the Bostonian was leaving town later that afternoon.  The rest of the evening consisted of going grocery shopping, cooking dinner, watching a movie and passing out.

DAY 3 - What a beautiful day!  I got up very early in the morning once more...body still getting used to the time difference and noises of the city.  I went for a run through the city and found a breathtaking view of the Sydney Opera House and Bridge, deciding later that when the clouds cleared and the sun shined that I'd enjoy the day by walking through the city...specifically along the harbor and through the botanical gardens.  Yes...this was the life...warm sun on my face and taking in every bit of my surroundings.  Highlight of the day though was the LARGE bats hanging upside down from the trees.  Crazy stuff I tell ya!  I could sit here and try to describe what I saw but it wouldn't do any justice.  Endless pictures are to come.  Soon....???  (I'm deeply sorry for the delay).  The day was coming to an end at about 9ish but someone called my bluff...they asked me "why not?" (referring to going out with the group).  I giggled to myself...knowing earlier what I had posted about this specific question.  There was no good excuse not to so I took my own advice...I went for it!  hehehe.  Let's just say the evening was unforgettable...lil bit like me going out with a bunch of aussies, canadians, and english boys.  Oh boy...trouble!!

DAY 4 - Coming to a report near you!

P.S.  I find it amazing how many people from all over the world is traveling throughout this country :)

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