Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lose Your Inhibition

           It's been a crazy few days perhaps even weeks.  I just moved into a new place and no internet is provided so this is late as usual.  But the other week I went to the evening Victoria Market that happens every Wednesday.  During the day it's just a normal food market filled with the freshest produce this area has to offer, but by night the locals swarm to this market buzzing to check out the live music and the numerous food stands that serve tasty treats throughout the night.  The first time I went I had the opportunity to taste croc, emu and roo and I'll never forget how surprised I was at how tasty those were despite one's first impression.  I also can't forget the cool little craft stands that surround the large market.  From the handmade jewelry, sunny's, eclectic collection of clothing and fudge slices that are just to die for...you could not ask for a more energetic and entertaining evening with your mates. The best part...entrance and entertainment is all FREE!

              As my friend Elaine and I made our way through the hectic crowds, grabbing delicious wraps and a large cup of fresh crisp sangria, we arrived at one of the stages and watched little kids breaking it down.  And if you didn't catch the lingo, "breaking it down" basically means they were on the dance floor and busting the best moves they could.  They were giving the audience quite a laugh with their moves.  The crowd rooted them on and went wild as each of the kids tried to top each other to get approval from the crowd.  You'd think these kids would be older but many were very much under the age of 10.  Some were probably as young as 3 or 4An older man in his 60's or 70's even joined them to bust out his own moves.  This moment was priceless!

              I would have to give them mad respect for their confidence to do what they did in front of that many people.  It reminded me of how great it was to be a kid.  To lose all inhibition of your surroundings and just let loose!  I think a lot of people need to let loose more often.  We get so caught up in our work and drama that we forget to have fun sometimes.  You become overwhelmed with this feeling of freedom and peace when you let loose.  And if you think about it...how many of these random people in the crowd (market, bar, or concert) will you run into again!?  Not likely.  So I say kick off your shoes and let the kid inside of you take over...even if it's just for a moment.

Video coming soon :)

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