Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10. The Men

Let me be honest, what else needs to be said!? Flavors from all over the world come here and a girl can basically have her pick if she wanted. I'd say the best way to describe most of the men in Australia is tall, dark and handsome. Most of them are usually dressed in emo/chic attire. Though caution to the tale...the good ones are taken and well the majority are just players. Many do not get married until their 30's. I could be overly generalizing, but I haven't had too many interactions with true Aussie men. Most of the men I have come across are from other countries and these descriptions and observations have been made from afar (so don't hold me to them). On the other hand, the Aussie's I have gotten to know really well are gentlemen and scholars. Great conversationalists. And whatever the case, I've got one word for the majority of them...Yum. What girl can resist their accent, besides a British one of course? ;p

P.S. Ladies, I'd provide pictures but that would just make me appear like a stalker. lol. And if I've offended any men out there, well I'm sorry. I'm just one small opinion.

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